Eco-complex Pearl Zvenkovaya (Zvonkovo)

228  feedbacks
Dzvonkovoe (Kiev region)
With New Rock!
With New Rock!

The head of the holy day has already passed, but on the other side there are many vicious ones! Have you figured out what to do? Proponymously book...

The recipe for the new saints
The recipe for the new saints

Smakoliki! To catch a simple, ale tsikaviy recipe from "Perlin dzvinkovoi " . Need: • Wheat dough - 0.5 kg; • Oliya • Drizhdzhi - 25 g; • Mil...

Svyatkuvannya New rock at the "Perlini Dzvinkoviy"
Svyatkuvannya New rock at the "Perlini Dzvinkoviy"

Friends, let's svyatkuvati new rik at once! Proponation of special prices! Sleep - you have lost one cottage. Nature and witness to Dzvinkovoy is i...

Surprise from the chef - bezkoshtovnі berries!
Surprise from the chef - bezkoshtovnі berries!

Kavun, dinya, cherry ... and a cup of everything delicious and savory! No koshtovno for guests to the eco-complex “Perlina Dzvinkova. Our chef welc...

Lіtnіy of wages at Perlin Dzvinkov
Lіtnіy of wages at Perlin Dzvinkov

Friends, it’s still trivial, too, come and enjoy the peace of your home, filed with me from the metushn’s at the “Perline Dzvinkoviy”. They check o...

Promotional campaign "My family of children" Perlina Dzvinkova ".
Promotional campaign "My family of children" Perlina Dzvinkova ".

Take 2 kelikha of savory beer from the presents! Scho need to zrobiti: - check in in the group on Facebook and Instagram from # PerlynaDzvinkova ...

Promotion "Bring your friends - cut off the money"
Promotion "Bring your friends - cut off the money"

Would you like to have a 5% discount on your booths in the Eco-complex "Perlina Dzvinkova" that cold champagne dance? Check in in a group on Facebo...